We have been moving over to ISA Server to allow better management of internet resources, one problem we have had is publishing our Virtual Server so our tele-workers can get remote access to the test systems.

The ISA application publish rule works fine to allow access to the main Virtual Server console page (can create, start stop PC etc) but if you click on a Virtual PC you get a no connection screen, so you cannot actually use the Virtual PC.

However I found a way round this problem. When you get the no connection screen, click the remote connect option on the top right you can enter the URL in the form

vmrc://virtualserver.mydomain.co.uk:5900/my pc

and assuming you have allowed the 5900 access through the ISA firewall it should work.

So it looks like the problem is that when you click the thumbnail of the PC to access it uses some other URL to the form shown above. I will try to find out why this is.

Look out for more posts on ISA on BM Bloggers as we get our teeth into it.