Whilst I have been on holiday my PC has been switched off and in a laptop bag. This did not seem to stopped me getting problems when I tried to use it again…

  • Outlook could not sync to O365 – turns out there had been some changes in our hybrid Exchange infrastructure, I just need to restart/patch the PC on our company LAN to pick up all the new group policy settings etc.
  • Could not login to OneDrive getting a script error https://auth.gfx.ms/16.000.26657.00/DefaultLogin_Core.js


This second problem was a bit more complex to fix.

  1. Load Internet Explorer (not Edge)
  2. Go to Settings > Internet Options > Security
  3. Pick Trusted Sites and manually add the URL https://auth.gfx.ms as a trusted site.
  4. Unload the OneDrive desktop client
  5. Reload the OneDrive desktop client and you should get the usual LiveID login and all is good
  6. Interestingly – if you remove the trusted site setting the login still appears to work, but for how long I don’t know. I assume something is being cached.

So it appears there have been a few changes on security whilst I have been away.