Ages ago I posted on using MSTest and CruiseControl .NET with VS2005. As I am presenting tomorrow to the Yorkshire Extreme Programming Club on CC.Net I thought it a good idea to revisit this subject with VS2008.

Well basically nothing has changed, the old ccnet.config I detailed still works. However, I discovered that you no longer really need the block to delete the TestProject.TRX file as it seem the 2008 MSTest.EXE can overwrite an existing test results file.

However, we don’t get away without any changes. The one area that has changed is the format of the MSTEST results file. The MSTestSummary.XSL and MSTestReport.XSL files shipped with ccNet 1.3 which are used to build the Web Dashboard just give blank pages. I also checked the 1.4 Beta of CCnet and this also has the same version of XSL files.

Now a few people have posted on this problem, but up to now there appears to have been no public XSL files for the current V9.x version of MSTest results files. To address this problem Robert Hancock at Black Marble edited the MSTESTSummary.xsl file and using his work I managed to sort the MSTESTReport.xsl file. Both of these files I have posted on this server in a single zip. Once these files are copied into the CruiseControl.Netwebdashboardxsl directory the MSTest reports should leap into life. Obviously only after you have setup all the other publishing bits I dealt with in my previous post.