You may have seen on a few blogs that Skills Matter are organising the Progressive .NET Tutorials, a 3 day event in May. I have to say that the selection of speakers is excellent including Hammett, Ayende Rahien, David Laribee, Gojko Adzic, Ian Cooper, Mike Hadlow, Scott Belware and Sebastien Lambla; on subjects such as NHibernate, Castle, Monorail, Agile Testing, Web Testing, DSL’s in C#, OpenRasta, Windsor WCF, MEF (Microsoft’s Managed Extensions Framework) and more…
For the full programme and description see There is a massive discount available to blog readers for this May .NET workshops. If you were thinking of signing up, quote SM1368-622459-33L in the promo code field which allows you to book the workshops for £350 (normal ticket price is £1000).