Last night I attended the first meeting of the new .NET user group Leeds Sharp. This is a flavour of user group we don’t have in Leeds; we have SQL, Ruby, Agile user groups, the list goes on, but not a dedicated .NET one. So hopefully this .NET usergroup will take off. Especially as Microsoft conveniently decided to launch Windows  8 Release Preview and Visual Studio 11 RC during our opening session, so there are loads of new subjects to talk about.

A nice idea is the use of Uservoice to pick sessions, I would encourage anyone who thinks they might attend to get onto uservoice, see the sessions proposed, add your own suggestions and then vote.

Also if you are looking for an opportunity to speak at usergroups then why not suggest a session?

Well done to everyone trying to get this this group going. I hope to be able to attend, work allowing. Keep and eye on the  user group web site, Twitter @LeedsSharp and discussion group