I tried to install Windows 8 Developer Preview on my Lenovo W520 laptop as a VHD boot. All seemed to go well following the same process as for windows 7. I got a nice new blue Window 8 boot partition choice screen (which went back to the Windows 7 DOS like one after I made Windows 7 my default partition).

If I selected Windows 8 it tried to but but ended up with the error

‘Windows could not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer restart the installation’

No more info than that, I suspect it does not like VHD boot. But I don’t have time to dig now, more later I am sure……

[Update 15 Sep 2011]

My colleague Robert Hancock could not wait to try the Windows 8 bits on his identical Lenovo to mine that dual boots between Windows 7 and Windows 2008. He took a slightly different route which worked.

  1. On his Server 2008 boot created a new virtual machine in Hyper-V and Installed Windows 8
  2. Exported the virtual machine
  3. Booted back into Windows 7
  4. Attached exported VHD in Disk Management (VHD was on the d: drive)
  5. Ran the following command C:WindowsSystem32bcdboot I:Windows where I represented the drive letter for the attached VHD
  6. Ran bcdedit with no parameters to verify the boot entry had been added
  7. Rebooted my machine and verified ‘Windows Developer Preview’ appeared. Started up the boot and verified windows 8 ran correctly.

The only other thing was he commented his C: drive was not BitLocker’ed. My post about problems with BitLocker prompted me to suspend this before trying the Windows 8 install.