I recently post about Enriching the data available in my Azure DevOps Pipelines Cross Platform Release Notes Task by adding Pull Request information. Well, that first release was fairly limited only working for PR validation builds, so I have made more improvements and shipped a newer version.

The task now will, as well as checking for PR build trigger, try to associate the commits associated with a build/release pipeline to any completed PRs in the repo. This is done using the Last Merge Commit ID, and from my tests seems to work for the various types of PR e.g. squash, merge, rebased and semi-linear.

The resultant set of PRs are made available to the release notes template processor as an array. However, there is a difference between the existing arrays for Work Items and Commits and the new one for Pull requests. The new one is only available if you are using the new Handlebars based templating mode.

You would add a block in the general form….

{{#forEach pullRequests}}  
{{#if isFirst}}### Associated Pull Requests (only shown if  PR) {{/if}}  
\*  \*\*PR {{this.id}}\*\*  {{this.title}}  

The reason I have chosen to only support Handlebars is it make the development so much easier and provides a more flexible solution, given all the Handlebar helpers available. I think this might be the first tentative step towards deprecating my legacy templating solution in favour of only shipping Handlebars support.