I posted previously on getting Typemock 7.x running in a TFS 2012 RC build process . Well it seems the activities I previously published did not work on the TFS 2012 RTM build i.e if you do nothing other than upgrade your TFS server from RC to RTM a previously working build fails, no attempt was made to run any tests and I got the unhelpful error
TF900546: An unexpected error occurred while running the RunTests activity: ‘Executor process exited.’.
Note: TF900546 seems to be the generic – test failed error number. If you see it you will usually have to look elsewhere for anything helpful.
So I assumed that the problem must be some difference with the TeamFoundation assemblies I was referencing between the RC and RTM versions, so I rebuilt my activities, all to no effect, I got the same error. So I did some more digging into the code. I found a number of issues, why these had not caused an issue before I don’t know:
Target property
If you do not specify a .NET version via the Target property of the TypeMockRegister activity it does not attempt to start interception. As setting this property every time you want to use the activity is a pain, I modified the activity so that if no Target property is passed then the value v4.0.30319 is used, the version of .NET 4.5 as it appears in the c:windowsMicrosoft.Netframework folder.
Note Missing of the leading v if the Target value causes the TFS build agent to hang, I have no idea why.
Once this change was made the build ran and it tried to run all my tests, but the ones involving Typemock failed, with the message
Test method BuildProcessValidation.Tests.MSTestTypemockTests.DirtyTrickMockingWithTypemock_Email_is_sent_when_client_order_is_processed threw exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘f5’ threw an exception. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘TypeMock.InterceptorsWrapper’ threw an exception. —> TypeMock.TypeMockException:
*** Typemock Isolator needs to be linked with Coverage Tool to run, to enable do one of the following:
1. link the Coverage tool through the Typemock Isolator Configuration
2. run tests via TMockRunner.exe -link
3. use TypeMockStart tasks for MSBuild or NAnt with Link
For more information consult the documentation (see Code Coverage with Typemock Isolator topic)
On looking in the build box’s event log I saw the message
.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.17929 - Loading profiler failed during CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID: ‘{B146457E-9AED-4624-B1E5-968D274416EC}’. HRESULT: 0x8007007e. Process ID (decimal): 2068. Message ID: [0x2504].
Basically the issue was the Typemock interceptor, the profiler, was not being started because Typemock was not installed on the build box. To prove this I manually installed Typemock on the build box and the error went away, all my tests ran. So happy my activity basically worked, I removed Typemock from the build box and the problem returned, so I know I had an autodeployment issue.
On checking the activity code again I found I was not handling the nullable boolean correctly for the AutoDeploy build argument of the type TypemockSettings. As soon as this was fixed and deployed by build leapt into life.
In summary
So I am please to say I have a working activity again, as I said in my previous post I see this as stopgap measure until Typemock Release their official version. This set of activities have had minimal testing and I am not sure the undeploy logic is working fully, but as I don’t need this feature I am not worrying about it for now.
Hope you find it useful in its current state.