Seems quiet here today at the SOA conference, less people about. I wonder how many have sneaked off early for flights? It does seem to be mostly Europeans left, judging by the languages I have heard.

This does not mean parking was easy this morning, as in the same conference center Bill Gates and Bill Clinton are speaking at an MSPAC event. Now a bit of google’ing shows MSPAC is either:

  1. Microsoft Political Action Committee 
  2. Resources for Ms. Pac-Man(
  3. Maple Syrup Producers Association of Connecticut

I really hope it is one the last two, but I doubt it.

I always thing the best thing you can bring away from conferences such as this are best practice and gotta’s, to that end I saw a great session by Stephen Thomas on best practice with orchestrations, you can find his sample and slides on

So that’s it for the SOA conference, off to the airport now, about 12 hours at home in the UK then off to TechEd in Barcelona. Oh what a jet set life I lead.