Today I moved this blog server from an old server to our nice shinny new ones. This meant splitting it so the DB to the dedicated SQL server and the front end to the new web server box. This cause a few problems.

The actual move was fine, just back and restore the DB and copy over the ASP.NET web contents. I then edited the web.config to point at the new server and had some problems, some expect some not.

  • First I altered the CustomErrors block to report full errors
  • In the SiteSqlServer setting I alter the server name to point to point at the new server, until this was done I got not unsurprisingly a server not found error.
  • Once the server was right I got a MyDomainMyServerName$ could not connect, so I created this user giving the rights listed in the database readme file could in the scripts sub directory.
  • However this did not work, I then got a CS generated form titled Critical Error: Data Store Unavailable, that told me to edit the entries I had just edited!

After much digging about I found the answer in the CS forums, you have to also give the user the ASPNET_* rights for the CommunityServer database.

Hope this saves someone some time.