I got the West Yorkshire British Computer Society branch news letter today and I saw there is an extreme programming club being set up locally, the first meeting is in Leeds on Thur 8th Feb at Victoria Hotel, Great George St at 7pm. You can find the blog for the group at http://extremeprogrammingclub.blogspot.com/
I think this is great news, the DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper series of events that I have presented at have shown there is an appetite for community events, so lets hope there is enough interest to get this local group going. I for will will be attending.
I see that the the groups is actually titled an Extreme Programming group, I hope it will be able to extend it remit to all Agile methods, as this is a big area of discussion at the moment. It is an interesting argument whether it is just talk of going agile or agile actually happening - but that is something for this group to find out.
For these who know nothign of Agile methods and want a good overview of the pros and cons listen to the .NET Rocks podcast of the Agile panel at Microsoft TechEd Barcelona 2006
See you at the event in Leeds