Mike Fourie has just announced that we’ve just shipped the second stable release of the Community TFS 2010 Build Extensions. Well worth a look if you need to customised your TFS 2010 build with any of the following

  • AssemblyInfo

  • BuildReport

  • BuildWorkspace

  • CodeMetric

  • DateAndTime

  • Email

  • File

  • GetBuildController

  • GetBuildDefinition

  • GetBuildServer

  • GetWebAccessUrl

  • Guid

  • Hello

  • HyperV

  • IIS7

  • ILMerge

  • InvokePowerShellCommand

  • nUnit

  • QueueBuild

  • RoboCop

  • SqlExecute

  • StyleCop

  • TFSVersion

  • VB6

  • VirtualPC

  • VSDevEnv

  • Wmi

  • WorkItemTracking

  • Zip