With the advent of Silverlight we are going to see more and more web delivered applications. A good example of what we can expect is the Microsoft HEROES happen {here} virtual launch site. If you did not make it to the event it is well worth a look with all the slides and videos of the sessions.

This site does makes heavy use of multimedia and it is maybe just me but I find it hard to find things, it look great but I don’t like having to guess where the menu might be. In general I want information fast not see a intro video; but this could just be because I am a developer and not a designer. I think this is especially true of sites you go back to again and again. It strikes me that for sites like this search become the key if you are ever to find relevant material.

A heard about a site that bridges the old and new worlds of web delivery on the radio today, it is mydeco.com which is from lastminute.com co founder Brent Hoberman. It is Flash based as opposed to Silverlight, but that is not the point. It allows you to visualize rooms in your own house with a vast range of home furnishings. This site seems easy to use and navigation is simple - maybe this is a better indicator of the next step in web delivered applications. Well worth a look.