I posted a while ago about my new HTC Cruise, well I am still really happy with it but I have come across a problem. I have found that from time to time I get problems trying to do a Send/Receive in Outlook Mobile via the 3G mobile phone network. Well today after a chat with Tom I spotted the pattern.

If I boot the phone I can pickup email via 3G/Internet no problems. However, if I USB active-sync the phone any further attempt to pickup email via 3G just gets a ‘Connecting’ status message then nothing.

It seems that the active-sync (which also does an update of the email) leaves Outlook mobile in such a state that it cannot connect via 3G, maybe URL/IP Address cache issue? Interestingly a Web Browser has no problem getting to the mail server’s URL via 3G so it looks to be a problem in Outlook Mobile and not the operating system.

So the simple fix is just reboot the phone, something I have not had to do much with the HTC running Windows Mobile 6.0. My old QTek had to be rebooted a on regular basis