New release of TFS 2010 Power Tools

The latest set of TFS 2010 power tools are out, well worth updating if you are using the March release, and if not using any version a definite install. There are major update across the board, summary details can be found on Brian Harry’s blog. With the main release note and download on Visual Studio Gallery

August 20, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Windows search not starting, making itself disabled on a reboot

Since I got my new laptop I have had a problem that the Windows Search services in Windows 7 keeps setting itself to be Disabled whenever I restart the the PC. I usually notice this when I try to do a search in Outlook and I have to press enter in the search box to start a search, it is not matching emails as soon as I start to type....

August 19, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

New TFS 2010 Community TFS Build Extension documentation – nUnit

I have just posted new ‘how to use it 101’ documentation for the nUnit activity on the community extensions site.

August 19, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

New TFS 2010 Community TFS Build Extension documentation – TFSVersion

I have just posted new ‘how to use it 101’ documentation for the TFSVersion activity on the community extensions site.

August 18, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Where has my mouse cursor done? Unable to record a video in Microsoft Test Manager

MTM has the feature that you can use Expression Media Encoder 4 to record the test run as a video. To enable this feature, after you install MTM, you have to install the basic version of Expression Encoder, and a few patches see notes here for a list of files and the process. I recently did this on PC and tried to record a video. As soon as the recording process started the PC virtually stopped....

August 18, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

More on using the StyleCop TFS 2010 Build Activity– handling settings files

In a recent build I wanted a bit more control over rules used by StyleCop; in the past I have just tended to have the correct ruleset in the Program FilesStyleCop directory and be done with that. This time I wanted to make sure different rules were associated with different given solutions. The StyleCop build activity does allow for this; there is a property to set the path to the settings file....

August 16, 2011 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Do you find editing TFS Build Process Templates slow?

… of course you do. Microsoft have today released a patch to improve performance and reliability of workflow designer which should help with the Build Process Template design surface. See Buck Hodges blog for details

August 9, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Still time to propose sessions for DDDNorth

It is great to see a good wide selection of proposed sessions for DDDNorth, many from new speakers to the DDD events, which is always nice to see. There is still time for you to get involved and propose a session. Go on you know you want to….

August 8, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Where do I find the product key for Team Explorer Everywhere?

When TEE is installed you have to provide a product key if you do not wish to run it in 90 day trial mode. Those of you used to using MSDN Subscriber downloads would guess you press the Key button next to the Download button and a product will be provided. However this is not the case, all you get is the message the product does not require a key....

August 3, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Linking a TFS work item to a specific version of a document in SharePoint

SharePoint in my opinion is a better home for a Word or Visio requirements document than TFS. You can use all the SharePoint document workspace features to allow collaboration in the production of the document. When you have done enough definition to create your projects user stories or requirement then you can create them in TFS using whatever client you wish e.g. Visual Studio, Excel, Project etc. You can add a Hyperlink from each of these work items back to the SharePoint hosted document they relate to, so you still retain the single version of the source document....

August 2, 2011 · 2 min · Richard Fennell