DDD in t’North

It was announced at DDDSW that there will be a DDD event on the 8th October 2011 in Sunderland, DDD North. As of today, session submission is now open. Why not proposes one yourself?

July 27, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

More tips and tricks using my Typemock custom build activity with TFS 2010 build

Every time I add the Typemock Isolator custom activity to a TFS 2010 build I learn something new that eases the process. In the past I have posted on the basic process to get the activity into your build, and I would also draw your attention to the ALM rangers guide to build customisation, which provides loads of useful information on this front. Today, when I added the activity to a build I made the following improvements to the settings to make life a bit easier....

July 26, 2011 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

More on running multiple TFS build controllers on a single VM

I have been having a on-going project to run multiple build controllers on a single VM. Today I needed to reconfigure a on of the controllers to point at a different TPC. You have to do this the correct way to avoid problems. My error log was full of _Http communication failure: _Exception Message: Cannot listen on pipe name ’net.pipe://build/ServiceHost/1’ because another pipe endpoint is already listening on that name. (type AddressAlreadyInUseException)...

July 25, 2011 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

WP7 update fails when using laptop docking station, works when direct to laptop

When I plugged my WP7 LG-E900 today it told me there was a update. When I tried to install this it failed, twice. So I changed USB cable and plugged it directly into a port on my laptop, not my usually phone syncing cable plugged into my laptops docking station, and it worked. So not sure if it a USB cable quality issue, or a USB port issue, just something to remember....

July 22, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

WP7 update fails when using laptop docking station, works when direct to laptop

When I plugged my WP7 LG-E900 today it told me there was a update. When I tried to install this it failed, twice. So I changed USB cable and plugged it directly into a port on my laptop, not my usually phone syncing cable plugged into my laptops docking station, and it worked. So not sure if it a USB cable quality issue, or a USB port issue, just something to remember....

July 22, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Follow up to last nights session on mocking

Thanks to everyone who came to my session at NxtGen in Southampton last night, and congratulation to the people who won Typemock Isolator licenses kindly provided by Typemock. The session was meant to be based on TDD and Mocking, quite a big subject for 90 minutes. I of course had to gloss over some areas that are interesting around the edges of this subject. As I mentioned there are videoes of related sessions on this blog; also here are links on other subjects I touched on…...

July 22, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

The community - a route to free training

I presented last night at the West Yorkshire BCS and received a number of comments that it was great to see free training being available. This for me is one of the most important areas of our community, and an area we are very lucky with. There are plenty of opportunities to access knowledge….. Of late we have seen that the big vendor conferences (such as Microsoft’s TechEd, PDC and MIX) and the platform independent developer conferences (such as NDC) streaming their sessions live for free and also have their sessions available for free download within a few days....

July 21, 2011 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Solution to ‘Missing requirement: Shared profile’ error when installation TEE SP1 on Eclipse Indigo

[Updated 1 mar 2012 - This should only effect you if Eclipse is unzipped into your ‘c:program files’ folder structure) During my new laptop build I have had to reinstall Eclipse, so I took the chance to upgrade to the Indigo release. When I tried to install the TFS 2010 Team Explorer Everywhere SP1 plug-in I got the error Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found....

July 18, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Lenovo W520 – one week on

I have had my Lenovo W520 a week now and must say I am very happy with it. I am still hitting the wrong keys a good deal of the time, the only problem being the Fn and Ctrl keys are reversed in position from my old Acer, it is a good job Fn-V and Fn-C does nothing dangerous!. The keyboard is very nice to type on, a far more solid feel than any previous laptop I have had....

July 18, 2011 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Moving a VHD boot disk to Hyper-V

I have just replaced my old Acer laptop with a rather nice Lenovo W520. This has plenty of memory and is able to run Hyper-V. In the past for TFS demos I had used boot from VHD to boot the Acer into Windows 2K8, as the Acer could not run Hyper-V due to lack of hardware virtualisation support in the bios. So I had a fully configured VHD boot what I wanted to move to Hyper-V....

July 13, 2011 · 3 min · Richard Fennell