Goodbye Team System hello Visual Studio ALM

Now that VS2010 has launched the branding of ‘Team System’ has gone; so I am no longer a MVP (Team System) but a MVP (Visual Studio ALM).

April 13, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Down in London for TechDays

I am down in London for the first two days of the Microsoft TechDays event. First day has been very interesting, there seems to be a good buzz over the new testing features. So it looks good for my session tomorrow when I will be presenting on Lab Manager hope to see you there.

April 12, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Error running Ivonna tests with ASP.NET 4

When I tried to run a working Ivonna test, previously targeted at .NET 3.5, against .NET 4 I found my test failing with the error -—– Test started: Assembly: Webpart.Tests.dll —— Bad Request Setup information Physical Web path: C:ProjectsTestTypeMockSampleTestWebSite Actual path: C:UsersfezAppDataLocalTempTemporary ASP.NET Filesroot156567f2 Turns out that the fix to simple, you have to use an absolute path i.e. the / in front of the BasicTest.aspx is vital \[TestMethod, Isolated\] public void LoadWebPage\_HelloWorldWebPart\_NoError() { TestSession session = new TestSession(); //Start each test with this WebRequest request = new WebRequest("/BasicTest....

April 12, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Experiences upgrading to Lab Manager 2010 RC

Whilst preparing for my session at Techdays I have upgraded my 2010 Beta2 Lab Manager to RC. I am pleased to say the process is far more straight forward than the initial install. Again I used the Lab Manager team blog as my guide, they have revised ‘Getting started with Lab Management 2010 RC’ Parts 1, 2 ,3 and 4 posts to help. I was able to skip through the initial OS/VMM setup as this has not altered....

April 1, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Post AIC 2010 Thoughts

I was at the AIC 2010 conference yesterday, which I enjoyed more than last year. The most interesting session was Ivar Jacobson. He discussed how immature our industry is, with its disjoint between software engineers and academic computer scientists. Something I have commented on before when discussing if our industry should be licensed. He discussed how we need to build our industry upon commonly agreed kernel of simple best practice activities, not upon some currently fashionable process whether it be Waterfall, CMMI, Agile, Lean etc....

April 1, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Running Fitnesse.NET tests using MSTest - Revisited

In 2008 I wrote a post Running Fitnesse.NET tests using MSTest. Recently I had need to us this technique on a VS2010 project, and as is so often the issue the code that worked then does not seem to work now. All I can assume is that the Fitnesse API had altered, but I thought I was using the same assemblies! So I pulled down the code from and had a poke about....

March 29, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

TF30046 Error when trying to create new team project collection using an existing empty DB

I my previous post I discussed how the DB label was not used for TPC Dbs in 2010. As I was working on a setup where a central SQL box was the DT for two virtualised TFS AT instances, I therefore needed to create my TPC databases manually if I wanted TPCs of the same name on each TFS instance. I won’t go over the [old post again](I had to create a TPC Dbs manually ), but in essence I was trying to create a TPC with the name ABC on a TFS instance with a database label of RC....

March 29, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

And finally my personal domains

When I said will our internet bits were back I was not quite right. I had forgotten that I had not re-pointed m own richardfennell domains to put to my blog. These are now done, so I hope all search results to my blog should resolve OK.

March 29, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' error using .NET 4 Development Web Server

If your application has a dependency on an assembly built in .NET 2 you will see the error below if you try to run your application when it has been built in.NET 4. Mixed mode assembly is built against version ‘v2.0.50727’ of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information. This can be important in VS2010 testing, as test projects must be built as ....

March 27, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

TFS 2010 Database Label not use for Team Project Collection DBs

Found out something I did not know today, the TFS 2010 database label is only used for the server’s own primary configuration databases not for the DBs for the TPC it creates. For example on a 2010 RC install with the database label was set to RC during the installation. When I try to create a new TPC (called ABC) it tries to create a Db named TFS_ABC, even though the database label for TFS server can be seen to TFS_RC_ on the admin console and the instance’s primary databases are called TFS_RC_Configuration, TFS_RC_Warehouse and TFS_RC_Analysis....

March 25, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell