I enjoyed presenting on TFS at the inaugural meeting of the Peterborough VBug group last night. Thanks to Jyoti Majithia (VBug regional administrator) and Andy Westgarth (VBug chairman) for organising it. Hopefully this will be the start of another thriving user group community.
If anyone wants a copy of the slide stack, there were no major changes between the one I used last night and the DDD5 one our main web site. There is also a screencast of demo of eScrum in the same archive.
I was asked a couple of questions that I could not fully answer off the top of my head:
- If you have a Novell NDS based LAN how can you install TFS? The answer is TFS does not support NDS or LDAP for authentication. Also you cannot do a Dual Server TFS install as this requires an Active Directory. However a Single Server install will work if all the PCs (clients and servers) are in a Windows Workgroup (as well as the NDS domain).
- Can I access TFS from inside the Microsoft Expression products or Macromedia products such as Dreamweaver ? For Microsoft Expression the answer is strangely no - this seems a big oversight. User would have to check files out via Team explorer then load Expressions. There is the MSSCCI add-in to allow third party tools to connect to TFS, but this does not appear to work with DreamWeaver as it has its own means of connection to source control such as VSS.