If you are using the TFS API within a WebApp with impersonation there is a good chance you will see the error below when you run the web site on IIS

System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.    
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)    
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)    
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.RegisteredServers.OpenCurrentUser(Boolean writable, Boolean shouldCreate)    
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.RegisteredServers.GetUriForServer(String serverName)    
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.RegisteredServers.GetServerKeyForServer(String serverName, String subKey, Boolean writable, Boolean shouldCreate)    

If you google for this forums tells you to add read access for the impersonated user to


However, this did not fix the problem. So after much fiddling and re-reading Naren’s Blog on configuring WIT I looked further down the error log and saw

The Zone of the assembly that failed was:    
Access to the path ‘MicrosoftTeam Foundation2.0Cache’ is denied.    

So I created a cache directory and added the following

And it leapt into life, even with the added rights in the registry removed!

So it seems the first error is a red herring.