There are still a few spaces left at the Yorkshire Global DevOps BootCamp Venue hosted at Black Marble Come and learn about all things cool in DevOps, including

  • Video keynote by Microsoft
  • Local keynote: Breaking down the Monolith
  • Hackathon/HandsOn DevOps challenges. The hands-on part with be based on a common application where we try to solve as many challenges as possible, including ideas like
    • How to containerize an existing application
    • How to add telemetry (app insights) to the application and gather hypothesis information
    • How to use telemetry to monitor availability
    • How to use feature toggles to move application into production without disrupting end users
    • How to use release gates
    • How to make DB schema changes
    • Use Blue Green Deployments

And there is free lunch too! To register click here