Got back from DDD6 late last night after our 5am start. After what seemed a short nights sleep I got up to do the Abbey Dash 10K in Leeds this morning with 6000 other runners, posting a 47 minute time, which I suppose is OK given the complete lack training of late due to conferences of late and I was hampered by tripping over some wire left in the road near the start and cutting my knee open!

This morning exertions gave me some time to reflect on the previous days events. Firstly my session on Scrum; it seemed to go OK other than I overran a little and had to rush through the demo of eScrum. You can get the slides from the Black Marble web site (and soon on the DDD site I guess). I have added some screen shots and notes from the shorten demo. I was asked a couple of questions that I said I would post information on:

Unusually, I actually managed to get the three other sessions at this DDD, rare when I am speaking. They were all excellent:

  • My favourite Patterns with Gary Short - the clearest session on patterns I have seen.
  • Why do I need an Inversion of Control Container? with Mike Hadlow - A nice follow up to the patterns session giving a great real world way to take advantage of Inversion of Control using the Castle Windsor Container 
  • Testing Your Applications With MbUnit Gallio with Ben Hall  - I have been using an unholy mixture of nUnit and MSTest, after this session I have to take a long hard look at MbUnit.

Maybe it is the trend of 2007 or a sign the industry is maturing that all three of the conferences I have been to recently have focused on best practice. I consider this a really good sign.

Anyway another great DDD, thanks to the committee for all their work putting it on. Looking forward to the growing franchise in 2008.

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