I was at an interesting meeting at my local BCS branch tonight ‘Opening The Black Box: An Introduction to Quality Driven Development’ by Tim Hunter. I had heard of TDD and DDD etal. but QDD was new to me.
What we got was a hour framed by the basic premise that ‘Waterfall is good - Agile is bad’ (or progressive methods as the speaker called anything that was not waterfall). As another attendee pointed out in the Q&A, this tone in the presentation tended to cloud the more balanced points, managing to get the backs up of a good few attendees by the speaker’s seeming lack of understanding of god agile practices. He seemed to see agile as developers messing around, no documentation, testing or general engineering discipline. He argued that without waterfall, and specifically quality gates, we could not write quality systems. This is not the Agile I know.
Agile, if adopted properly is very constraining from an engineering point of view. We have detailed specification by example, open reporting practices, regular re-estimation of remaining work, test driven development, pair programming, automated builds, regular potentially shippable products with quality gates to move products between states of publication so we don’t just release everything we build. The list goes on and on; OK no team is going to use it all, but the tools are there in the tool box. A team can set where on the agility spectrum they choose to sit.
I agree with the sessions premise that quality gates are important, but not that waterfall is the only way to enforce them. You can put the whole methodology choice aside and frame the discussion in how do we get staff who take pride in their work and are empowered produce quality products via their working environment. I would argue there is more hope for this in an agile framework where the whole team buys into the ethos of software craftsmanship, as opposed to any methodology where an onerous procedure is imposed, a system must be habitable as Alistair Cockburn puts it.
I felt the session was too pessimistic over the quality of people in our industry. The speaker wanting to make rules because he perceived people were of low quality and had to be forced to do a half way decent job. OK I am a bit pessimistic, not too bad a trait for a developer or tester, but we have to hope for more, to strive for more. This is something I think the agile community does do, they are trying to write better software and become better craftsman everyday. They care.
For me the key question is how can we bring more people along with us. Especially the people who have given up and just turn up to do their IT related job and avoid as much hassle as possible. They are the ones who don’t turn up to the BSC, community conference or any user groups or even read a book or blog on the subject. What can we do for them?