I have been doing some editing of the standard scrum TFS 2012 Sprint Burndown report in SQL 2012 Report Builder. When I ran the report after editing the MDX query in the dsBurndown DataSet to return an extra column I got an error:
- on a remote PC it just said error with dsBurndown dataset
- on the server hosting reporting services, or in Report Builder, I got a bit more information, it said the TaskName parameter was not defined.
On checking the state of the dataset parameters before and after my edit I could see that the TaskName parameter had been lost
Manually re-adding it fixed the problem.
Interestingly which parameters were lost seemed to depend on the MDX query edit I made, I assume something is inferring the parameters from the MDX query.
So certainly one to keep an eye on. I suspect this is a feature of Report Builder, maybe I am better just using trusty Notepad to edit the .RDL file. Oh how I love to edit XML in Notepad