I have been doing some work one a Logic Apps that routes its traffic out via a vNet and accesses its underlying Storage Account via private endpoints. ‘Nothing that special in that configuration’ I hear you saying, but I did manage to confuse myself whilst testing.
After changing my configuration of the vNet, I restarted the Logic App to make sure everything was working as expected on startup.
The Logic App appeared to start within a few seconds, the Overview pane in the Azure Portal showing the correct values.
However, if I tried to access any of the workflows in the Logic App, I was presented with a ‘bad gateway’ error. On receiving this error, I assumed that I had made a mistake in the configuration of the vNet and started to investigate.
However, I should not have been so hasty. After waiting a minute or two, the Logic App started to work as expected. It appears that the Logic App Overview pane is updated long before the Logic App is fully operational,so can’t be trusted as a source of truth.
So not a revelatory blog post, but a reminder to myself to be patient when restarting Logic Apps.