Azure DevOps Services & Server Alerts DSL - an alternative to TFS Aggregator?

Whilst listening to a recent Radio TFS it was mentioned that TFS Aggregator uses the C# SOAP based Azure DevOps APIs; hence needed a major re-write as these APIs are being deprecated. Did you know that there was a REST API alternative to TFS Aggregator? My Azure DevOps Services & Server Alerts DSL is out there, and has been for a while, but I don’t think used by many people. It aims to do the same as TFS Aggregator, but is based around Python scripting....

October 30, 2018 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Major new release of my VSTS Cross Platform Extension to build Release Notes

Today I have released a major new release, V2, of my VSTS Cross Platform Extension to build release notes. This new version is all down to the efforts of Greg Pakes who has completely re-written the task to use newer VSTS APIs. A minor issue is that this re-write has introduced a couple of breaking changes, as detailed below and on the project wiki oAuth script access has to be enabled on the agent running the task There are minor changes in the template format, but for the good, as it means both TFVC and GIT based releases now use a common template format....

April 27, 2018 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Using VSTS Gates to help improve my deployment pipeline of VSTS Extensions to the Visual Studio Marketplace

My existing VSTS CI/CD process has a problem that the deployment of a VSTS extension, from the moment it is uploaded to when it’s tasks are available to a build agent, is not instantiation. The process can potentially take a few minutes to roll out. The problem this delay causes is a perfect candidate for using VSTS Release Gates; using the gate to make sure the expected version of a task is available to an agent before running the next stage of the CD pipeline e....

March 20, 2018 · 5 min · Richard Fennell

New release of my Generate Parameters.xml tools to add support for app.config files

I recently released an updated version of my Generate Parameters.XML tool for Visual Studio. This release adds support for generating parameters.xml files from app.config files as well as web.config files Why you might ask why add support for app.config files when the parameters.xml model is only part of WebDeploy? Well, at Black Marble we like the model of updating a single file using a tokenised set of parameters from within our DevOps CI/CD pipelines....

February 13, 2018 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Creating test data for my Generate Release Notes Extension for use in CI/CD process

As part of the continued improvement to my CI/CD process I needed to provide a means so that whenever I test my Generate Release Notes Task, within it’s CI/CD process, new commits and work item associations are made. This is required because the task only picks up new commits and work items since the last successful running of a given build. So if the last release of the task extension was successful then the next set of tests have no associations to go in the release notes, not exactly exercising all the code paths!...

January 19, 2018 · 2 min · Richard Fennell