Out of Memory running SonarQube Analysis on a large projects

Whilst adding SonarQube analysis to a large project I started getting memory errors during the analysis phase. The solution was to up the memory available to the SonarQube Scanner on the my build agent, not the memory on the SonarQube server as I had first thought. This is done with an environment variable as per the documentation, but how best to do this within our Azure DevOps build systems? The easiest way to set the environment variable `SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS` on every build agent is to just set it via a Azure Pipeline variable....

December 1, 2020 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Getting confused over Azure DevOps Pipeline variable evaluation

Introduction The use of variables is important in Azure DevOps pipelines, especially when using YML templates. They allow a single pipeline to be used for multiple branches/configurations etc. The most common form of variables you see is are the predefined built in variables e.g. $(Build.BuildNumber) and your own custom ones e.g. $(var). Usually the value of these variables are set before/as the build is run, as an input condition. But this is not the only way variables can be used....

November 27, 2020 · 3 min · Richard Fennell

How to export Azure DevOps Classic Builds and Release to YAML

This is another one of those posts so I can remember where some useful information is…. If you are migrating your Azure DevOps Classic Builds and Release to Multi-Stage YAML then an import step is to export all the exiting build, task groups and release as YAML files. You can do this by hand within the Pipeline UI, with a lot of cut and pasting, but much easier is to use the excellent Yamlizr - Azure DevOps Classic-to-YAML Pipelines CLI from Alex Vincent....

November 13, 2020 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Getting my ThinkPad Active Pen working with my Lenovo X1 Carbon Extreme

I have had a ThinkPad Active Pen (model SD60G957200) ever since I got my Lenovo X1 Carbon Extreme. The pen, when it works, has worked well. However, the problem has been that whether the pen and PC detected each other seemed very hit and miss. Today I found the root cause. It was not drivers or dodgy Bluetooth as I had thought, but a weak spring inside the pen. It was not so weak that the battery rattled, but weak enough that the electrical circuit was not being closed reliably on the battery....

November 6, 2020 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Using GitVersion when your default branch is not called 'master'

The Black Live Matter movement has engendered many conversations, hopefully starting changes for the good. Often these changes involve the use of language. One such change has been the move to stop using the name master and switching to the name main for the trunk/default branch in Git repos. This change is moving apace driven by tools such as GitHub and Azure DevOps . I have recently had need, for the first time since swapping my default branch name in new repos to main, to use Semantic Version and the GitVersion tool....

October 14, 2020 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

How do handle PRs for Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines if the YAML templates are in a different repo?

Azure DevOps YAML base pipelines allow the pipeline definitions to be treated like any other code. So you make changes in a branch and PR them into the main/trunk when they are approved. This works well if all the YAML files are in the same repo, but not so well if you are using YAML templates and the templated YAML is stored in a different repo. This is because an Azure DevOps PR is limited to a single repo....

September 18, 2020 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

How can I automatically create Azure DevOps Release Notes and how can I publish them?

A question I am often asked when consulting on Azure DevOps is ‘how can I automatically create release notes and how can I publish them?’. Well it is for just this requirement that I have written a set of Azure DevOps Pipeline Tasks Release Note Generator - to generate release notes. I strongly recommend this Cross-platform Node-based version. I plan to deprecate my older PowerShell version in the not too distant future as it uses ‘homegrown logic’, as opposed to standard Azure DevOps API calls, to get associated items....

September 15, 2020 · 4 min · Richard Fennell

Fix For: ‘The pipeline is not valid error: Unable to resolve latest version’ on an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline

The Issue I have an Azure DevOps multi-stage YAML pipeline that started giving the error `The pipeline is not valid error: Unable to resolve latest version for pipeline templates: this could be due to inaccessible pipeline or no version is available` and failing instantly. The Solution This is not the most helpful message, but after some digging I found the problem. The pipeline used another pipeline as a resources resources: pipelines: - pipeline: templates source: QueuesAndFunctionsDemo-CI branch: master This referenced build had failed, so there was no successful build resources to load, hence the error....

August 27, 2020 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Exporting Release Notes and WIKIs as PDFs using a new Azure DevOps Extension that wrappers AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport

A common question I get when people are using my Release Notes task for Azure DevOps is whether it is possible to get the release notes as a PDF. In the past, the answer was that I did not know of any easy way. However, I have recently come across a command line tool by Max Melcher called AzureDevOps.WikiPDFExport that allows you to export a whole WIKI (or a single file) as a PDF....

August 27, 2020 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Using the Post Build Cleanup Task from the Marketplace in YAML based Azure DevOps Pipelines

Disks filling up on our private Azure DevOps agents is a constant battle. We have maintenance jobs setup on the agent pools, to clean out old build working folders nightly, but these don’t run often enough. We need a clean out more than once a day due to the number and size of our builds. To address this, with UI based builds, we successfully used the Post Build Cleanup Extension. However since we have moved many of our builds to YAML we found it not working so well....

August 19, 2020 · 2 min · Richard Fennell