MSDeploy Parameters.xml can only replace web.config values is a value is already set

If you are using a parameters.xml file to set value with MSDeploy I have just found a gotcha. You need some value in the web.config file, not just an empty XML tag, else the replacement fails. So to explain… I had the following parameters.xml file, and use Release Management to replace the __TAG__ values at deployment time. <parameters> <parameter name="Domain" description="Please enter the name of the domain" defaultvalue="\_\_Domain\_\_" tags=""> <parameterentry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web....

May 1, 2015 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

A Visual Studio Extension to create MSDeploy parameters.xml files

When you using MSdeploy you should create a parameters.xml file that exposes your web.config settings at the time of installation. This enables good deployment habits, build the product one and then set system specific values using deployment tools. The problem is that this parameters.xml file is a pain to write, it is a series of XML blocks that contain XPath to find the entries to replace, typo’s are easy to introduce....

April 28, 2015 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

May is a busy time for events

Mid May is a busy time for me presenting-wise: On the 12th/13th I am presenting at Techorama in Belgium And on the 14th I will be presenting at a Microsoft/GreyMatter event at Microsoft’s Reading office. And after that there are also the Black Marble Re:Build and Re:Ignite events. I am sure I will be involved at those, but we have to wait for a couple of week until after Build and Ignite to find out what we will be talking about....

April 23, 2015 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

After a few days living with a Microsoft Band…

I have worn a Polar s610 heart rate monitor as my watch for years (probably 15+), as I write it needs another battery swap, which means sending it to Polar, something I have done a couple of times in the past for servicing The batteries in the watch last 5 years or so, in the associated heart rate monitor strap maybe a bit more depending on usage. The point is I am used to having a device that ‘can’ give heart rate information, it seems normal, but I do need to remember to put on the heart rate strap, something I would only usually do for a race or specific training set....

April 5, 2015 · 4 min · Richard Fennell

Running StyleCop from the command line and in a TFS 2015 vNext build

Updated 6 Feb 2016 - See the newer post about the new vNext build task I have written to do the same job Virtually any automated build will require some customisation beyond a basic compile. So as part of my upcoming Techorama session on TFS 2015 vNext build I need a demo of using a custom script as part of the build process. Two common customisations we use are version stamping of assemblies and running code analysis tools....

April 3, 2015 · 8 min · Richard Fennell