How can I automatically create Azure DevOps Release Notes and how can I publish them?

A question I am often asked when consulting on Azure DevOps is ‘how can I automatically create release notes and how can I publish them?’. Well it is for just this requirement that I have written a set of Azure DevOps Pipeline Tasks Release Note Generator - to generate release notes. I strongly recommend this Cross-platform Node-based version. I plan to deprecate my older PowerShell version in the not too distant future as it uses ‘homegrown logic’, as opposed to standard Azure DevOps API calls, to get associated items....

September 15, 2020 · 4 min · Richard Fennell

Restarting VS Code fixed NPM INSTALL intermittent EPERM issues

Whilst doing some NPM build work for VSTS Extensions I kept getting intermittent EPERM errors about renaming Windows files during NPM install (as discussed on GitHub)l. When you get this it completely blocks any development. As the Github issue discusses there are many possible reasons for this issue, and many proposed potential solutions. However the only one that worked for me was to restart VS Code; as this appeared to be locking the node_modules folder somehow....

June 26, 2017 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Duplicate project GUID blocking SonarQube analysis of Windows 10 Universal Projects

I have working on getting a Windows 10 Universal application analysed with SonarQube 6.x as part of a VSTS build. The problem has been that when the VSTS task to complete the SonarQube analysis ran I kept getting an error in the form WARNING: Duplicate project GUID: "8ace107e-8e3c-4a1b-9920-e76eb1db5e53". Check that the project is only being built for a single platform/configuration and that that the project guid is unique. The project will not be analyzed by SonarQube....

June 9, 2017 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Book your free place at a Global DevOps Bootcamp venue for the 17th June 2017 event

Are you enthused by the all news at Build 2017? Do you want to find out more about VSTS, DevOps and Continuous Delivery? Well why not take the chance to join us on June 17th at Black Marble, or one of the over 25 other venues around the world for the first Global DevOps Bootcamp? The Global DevOps Bootcamp is a free one-day event hosted by local passionate DevOps communities around the globe....

May 11, 2017 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Debugging Typescript in Visual Studio Code

This is one of those posts I do as a reminder to myself. I have struggled to get debugging working in VSCode for Typescript files. If I set breakpoints in the underlying generated JavaScript they worked, but did not work if they were set in the Typescript source file. There are loads of walkthroughs and answers on Stackoverflow, but all with that vital little bit (for me) missing. So this is what I needed to do for my usage scenario…...

May 4, 2017 · 2 min · Richard Fennell