Fix for - Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell’ on TFS 2010 Build Controller

I have previously posted about when TFS build controllers don’t start properly. Well I saw the same problem today whilst upgrading a TFS 2010 server to TFS 2012.3. The client did not want to immediately upgrade their build processes and decided to keep their 2010 build VMs just pointing them at the updated server (remember TFS 2012.2 and later servers can support either 2012 or 2010 build controllers). The problem was that when we restarted the build service the controller and agents appeared to start, but then we got a burst of errors in the event log and we saw the controller say it was ready, but have the stopped icon....

October 10, 2013 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

And the most ridiculous packaging award of the day goes to…

CPC who managed to send two resistor-capacitor balances for LED lights, which as about 1cm in size in a box as shown here Other than loads of that inflatable packing material there was a huge CPC catalogue, with the interesting sticker So an online electronics company, that provides free shipping (a really good thing when the components were only a couple of £s), chose to also send a very heavy catalogue that they know is out of date, when I have already used their quick and easy web site....

September 30, 2013 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

‘TF400499: You have not set your team field’ when trying to update Team Settings via the TFS API

I have recently been automating TFS admin processes such as creating a new team within an existing team project. The TFS team is now our primary means we use to segment work so we need to create new teams fairly often, so automation makes good sense. As far as I can see, there are no command line tools, like TF.EXE or WITADMIN.EXE, to do most of the team operations. They are usually browser based....

September 16, 2013 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Moving from Ubuntu to Mint for my TEE demos

I posted a while ago about the problems with DHCP using a Hyper-V virtual switch with WIFI and an Ubuntu VM, well I never found a good solution without hard coding IP addresses. I recently tried using Mint 15 and was please to see this did not suffer the same problems, it seems happy with DHCP over Hyper-V virtual switches. I think I will give it a go a do a while for any cross platform TEE demos I need for a while....

September 10, 2013 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Where did that email go?

We use the TFS Alerts system to signal to our teams what state project build are at. So when a developer changes a build quality to ‘ready for test’ an email is sent to everyone in the team and we make sure the build retention policy is set to keep. Now this is not the standard behaviour of the TFS build alerts system, so we do all this by calling a SOAP based web service which in turn uses the TFS API....

September 10, 2013 · 2 min · Richard Fennell