Stray white space in a ‘path to custom test adaptors’ will cause tests to fail on VSO vNext build
If you are providing a path to a custom test adaptor such as nUnit or Chutzpah for a TFS/VSO vNext build e.g. $(Build.SourcesDirectory)packages, make sure you have no leading whitespace in the data entry form. If you do have a space you will see an error log like this as the adaptor cannot be found as the command line generated is malformed 2015-07-13T16:11:32.8986514Z Executing the powershell script: C:LRMMSServicesMmsTaskAgentProvisionerToolstasksVSTest1.0.16VSTest.ps1 2015-07-13T16:11:33.0727047Z ##\[debug\]Calling Invoke-VSTest for all test assemblies 2015-07-13T16:11:33....