Speaking at SharePoint Evolution Conference

I am please to be able to announce that I am speaking at the SharePoint 2010 Evolution Conference in London on the 21st of April. I will be talking about my experiences during the [Prontaprint project](http://www.blackmarble.co.uk/CaseStudy.aspx?study=Prontaprint's Website with SharePoint 2007) developing testable components for SharePoint using TypeMock Isolator and other techniques to speed development and improve quality.

March 9, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Agile Yorkshire Martin Fowler event is full

Next weeks Agile Yorkshire meeting with Martin Fowler is now full (and the venue is twice the size of our usual one!). I said it would be popular. There is a reserve list but I would not hold out too much hope.

March 8, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Lessons learnt building a custom activity to run Typemock Isolator in VS2010 Team Build

Updated 25th March 2010 - All the source is now available at the Typemock Add-in site Updated 2nd July 2010 - Some usage notes posted Updated 26th July 2011 - More usage notes Updated 21st Nov 2011 - Typemock Isolator now has direct support for TFS 2010 Build, see usage notes I have previously posted on how you can run Typemock Isolator based tests within a VS2010 using the InvokeMethod activity....

March 8, 2010 · 13 min · Richard Fennell

Getting sick of seeing the Vodafone error “HTTP Error 403: The service you requested is restricted”

Of late I keep getting ‘HTTP Error 403: The service you requested is restricted’ when I try to use my HTC Diamond2 mobile phone on Vodafone. I see the problem whether browsing the internet with mobile IE or Opera and also when using the phone as a 3G modem from my Windows 7 laptop. Seems to happen every other day of late. Interestingly, when I got the error shown above whilst trying to browse to Bing, a connection, on the same 3G link, from my PC to our Exchange server was working fine....

March 8, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

The Teamprise Eclipse plug in for TFS gets a new name

As I am sure you remember a few months ago Microsoft bought Teamprise and their Java clients for TFS. Well the team has got out their first Microsoft branded release, details can be found on Martin Woodward’s and Brian Harry’s blogs. This beta provides the first support for TFS2010 This release is very timely as I will be talking on the Java integration via the Eclipse plug-in at QCON next week and at the Architect Insight Conference at the end of the month....

March 8, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

Martin Fowler is speaking at Agile Yorkshire this month

A slight change to the usually arrangement this month at Agile Yorkshire. The speaker will Martin Fowler who will be talking on “Software Design in the 21st Century”, but the meeting will be on the 17th March (which is a week later than usual) and at a new venue The Adelphi in Leeds. This promises to be a very interesting session. I saw Martin speak at a JavaOne conference, a good few years ago now, and it is still one of the best presentations I have seen at any conference....

March 2, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

DDD Community Events News

Some DDD event news Registration has opened for DDD Scotland There is a call for speakers at DDD South West There is a call for speakers at SQLBits If you have never been to a DDD style event before why not give it a try; they are free and you are sure to learn something. Unlike the DDD events in Reading these ones don’t fill up so fast that you cannot register because you stupidly went to make a up of tea just before they opened registration and it was full before you got back....

March 2, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

The importance of using parameters in vs2010 build workflows

I have been doing some more work integrating Typemock and VS 2010 Team Build. I have just wasted a good few hours wondering why my test results are not being published. If I looked at the build log I saw my tests ran (and pass or failed as expected) and then were published without error. But when I checked the build summary it said there were no tests associated with the build, it reporting “No Test Results”...

March 2, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Do you use a Symbol Server?

I find one of the most often overlooked new features of 2010 is the Symbol Server. This is a file share where the .PDB symbol files are stored for any given build (generated by a build server, see Jim Lamb’s post on the setup). If you look on the symbol server share you will see directories for each built assembly with a GUID named subdirectory containing the PDB files for each unique build....

March 1, 2010 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

This year’s DDD South West announced

This year’s DDD South West has been announced for the 5th of June in Bristol, for details see the dddsouthwest.com site

March 1, 2010 · 1 min · Richard Fennell