Visual Studio Dev Essentials announced at Connect() with free Azure time each month
One announcement I missed at at Connect() last week was that of Visual Studio Dev Essentials. I only heard about this one whilst listening to RadioTFS’s news from Connect() programme. Visual Studio Dev Essentials is mostly a re-packing of all the tools that were already freely available from Microsoft e.g. Visual Studio Community Edition, Tem Foundation Server Express etc.; but there are some notable additions* (some coming soon) Pluralsight (6-month subscription)—limited time only Xamarin University mobile training— coming soon WintellectNOW (3-month subscription) Microsoft Virtual Academy HackHands Live Programming Help ($25 credit) Priority Forum Support Azure credit ($25/month for 12 months)—coming soon Visual Studio Team Services account with five users App Service free tier PowerBI free tier HockeyApp free tier Application Insights free tier *Check the Visual Studio Dev Essentials site for the detailed T&C...