I am speaking at the .NET User group in Bristol next week and have been putting some final touches to my demos.

One thing I will be talking about is using CruiseControl with TFS. Whilst getting this running on my demo VPC I hit a problem. I did a default install of CruiseControl .Net 1.3, this was on top of a Visual Studio TFS Orcas VPC I had built for DDD5.

When I tried to load the CCNet WebDashBoard (installed onto the default web site) I got an error:

The application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission please contact your system administrator or change the application’s trust level in the configuration file.

After a bit of digging I found some reports that this can be seen if WSS 2.0 has previously been installed on the server, which it was as this is a requirement for TFS (until 2008 Beta2 which uses WSS 3.0). I did not therefore have the option to remove it to get round the problem.

So I took another route to fix it; I created a new web site on another port and pointed this at the WebDashBoard, and this worked fine. So a perfectly good workaround for the problem