Personal Access Tokens (PATs) are not your friends

Background Programmatic connection to Azure DevOps cannot be done with your Active Directory credentials. This is because this involves a dialog being shown, and these days usually an MFA check too. Historically, the solution to this problem was to enable Alternate Credentials, which could be passed as username and password, without the dialog being shown. However, the use of these has been deprecated since 2020, and they have been completely removed since Jan 2024....

March 22, 2024 · 3 min · Richard Fennell

It is really time to get off Azure DevOps TFVC source control

A History Lesson Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) has been around since 2005, since the first release of Team Foundation Server (TFS) in 2005. In 2013, over 10 years ago, Microsoft added Git support to TFS (later renamed as Azure DevOps), Git had already been around for 8 years at that point. 10 years is a long time in the software industry, I always think of ‘IT years’ like ‘dog years’ i....

March 21, 2024 · 4 min · Richard Fennell

Bit rot is killing my pipelines

In a modern hybrid cloud world we have to accept constant change as the norm. You can’t just build something and forget about it. You have to keep it up to date as newer tools/libraries appear. This is to at least address security issues, even if you don’t want to adopt the new features. So I am expecting a degree of maintenance work on my Azure DevOps pipelines. However, this is becoming more awkward as many of the tasks used by Azure Pipelines, even ones from Microsoft, are themselves not being maintained....

April 26, 2023 · 2 min · Richard Fennell

Book Review - Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software

Late last year at (DDDNorth]( my session had the title ‘Why don’t people seem to be able to diagnose problems these days?’. Between anecdotes, a key theme was tha people too often don’t make sensible diagnostic steps. A problem caused, in my opinion, by the fact they have not been exposed to the fundamentals of how a computer works, due to the way computing is taught today, as opposed to how it was taught in my youth in the 80s...

January 11, 2023 · 1 min · Richard Fennell

You need a license to touch that (revised 18 years on)

“You need a license to touch that!”. The case for licensing of individuals within the software engineering profession. Background Back in 2004 I completed my BSc Degree in Computer Science at Bradford University; only 20 years after I started. My year in industry got out of hand! One module I did involved me writing a paper on a legal area concerning computing. I chose to discuss licensing of engineers. Whilst at the DDDNorth community conference last weekend (Dec 2022) I got chatting on aspects of staff development, problem solving and training with a fellow MVP Matteo Emili and I mentioned this paper I had written....

December 5, 2022 · 11 min · Richard Fennell